Milking the blue cow

10 / 05 / 24 | Featured, Fun facts, Welcome

‘Milking the blue cow’ is an old saying here in the most westly of Denmark: In the 1800’s the dune farmers led harsh lives. The barren soil by the coastal line of The Northern Sea made it hard to survive. But the coastline was also treacherous water and back then shipwrecking was not uncommon.


Goods from shipwreck belonged to the crown, so the dune farmers had to sneak down on the beach in the dark of the night to salvage anything they could before the King’s shore officer arrived to compound it. They went to ‘milk the blue cow’. A salvage could mean the difference between survival or not. There are even stories about dune farmers, who lured ships too near the coast by walking up and down the dunes by nighttime with lanterns in hands, simulating a ship moving over waters.


A cow standing in the sea.Today the green transition here in the Southwest of Denmark makes it necessary for us to ‘milk the blue cow’ again: You and your family coming to our area of Denmark means the difference between keeping our leading role in sustainable energy or not. We totally depend on qualified labor from all over the world to land on our coast. We depend on you coming here and if you are reading this, we have most probably already lured you to land here on our windy shores!


Together with all the local companies The Female Connection want to ensure that you know how glad we are, that you came! Our community offers you an active part in an all-female community dedicated to build bond to both all the wonderful women living here and to The Wadden Sea; our world heritage local nature.


Four hugging women's legs standing on grass.


We will do our best to make you to feel at home and far from shipwrecked. We are very grateful that you came and we really want you to stay!

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